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heather furby heather furby

Why Dog Training Makes the Perfect Holiday Gift

Gifting dog training could feel REALLY awkward if not framed carefully. After all, no one wants their thoughtful gesture to come across as judgment and criticism of how someone else’s dog is behaving. However, when approached with care, it’s a gift that shows real love for both the dog and human.

Here’s how to make gifting dog training something that will be appreciated rather than tossed to the trash with an eyeroll and a potential fight.

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heather furby heather furby

“You know better than that…”

Your dog is not a vindictive, spiteful, revengeful animal! But then WHO is responsible for all those cute but chaotic behaviors? (Wait…I’m grabbing my mirror…)

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Alan Repech Alan Repech

Are Dogs and Wolves Essentially the Same?

Did you know dogs and wolves share about 99.9% of their DNA? Despite how remarkably similar their genetics are, they’re worlds apart in behavior, looks, and how they relate to humans. Whether you're a pet lover or a wildlife fan, learning about these differences can give you a deeper understanding of your own dog.

In this post, we’ll explore what sets dogs and wolves apart and uncover the amazing bond between humans and canines.

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heather furby heather furby

Do I lure, shape or command?

What are you teaching your dog? Should you lure or shape a behavior? Prompt or Capture? Here is the difference and a guideline for what to use and when!

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Puppy Training heather furby Puppy Training heather furby

But my puppy used to follow me around…

When you first get a puppy, it will most likely follow your around and rarely leave your side. That’s WONDERFUL! Just don’t be fooled into thinking you can bypass training because you have the perfect pup. Adolescence will happen, no matter how cute they once were. Here are a couple of training tips to get you through the months.

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