Articles, Resources and Blog
We want to help you with your cute but chaotic pup and learn to be your dog’s best friend. So, we’ll share anything and everything we know about dogs and even some questions that are searching for answers. If you have questions you want us to answer, bark it out and we’ll do our best to fetch the information. You can contact us by clicking this link.
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The Power of the Positive Reframe
In dog training, reframing is focusing on the dog behaviors you WANT rather than always focusing on the behaviors you want your dog to stop.
Strategies for Effective Behavior Management
We’ve all heard that practice makes perfect. This holds true for both good and bad behaviors in dogs. When a dog is allowed to repeat a behavior, it becomes a habit – which is fantastic when it's a desirable action, but not so great when it's one that leaves us scratching our heads.
The Emotional Bucket
Understanding why your dog is “acting out” may be as simple as understanding that their emotional bucket is full! Here are some simple things you can do to empty the bucket and help them recover.
A Car Ride with your Dog
We want you to go on adventures with your dog. We just want you to get there safely first!
Our Favorite Dog Training Gear (the basics)
Here are the basics and favorite training equipment for our dogs.
Be Consistently Inconsistent in Training
If your dog triggers at certain times of day, with certain actions, like coming home or going for a walk, then you want to help them learn that novelty and flexibility are part of life. You want to be consistently inconsistent in your routine.
How to use food to train (Ditch the Bowl)
Dogs are motivated to do behaviors that bring high value rewards. Ditch the Bowl and use the dogs daily food equivalent to “treat” your dog throughout the day. This not only keeps them motivated, fit and healthy, it helps to build the relationship with your dog because YOU are providing high value throughout the day.
Do I have to use treats when I train my dog?
Change the word “treat” to reward and get creative to reward your dog for good behaviors. But remember food is a high value reward that they need anyway to it’s great to use their daily food allowance/equivalent as rewards throughout the day.
Too much, too soon
When we introduce our dogs to too much, too fast, they can become easily overwhelmed. We want to limit what our dogs have access to until they show us they are responsible enough to have self-control, remain calm and follow our lead.
Train FOR, not IN, a situation
Human nature wants to fix a problem while it’s happening. But that doesn’t work for dogs. We need to use concept training to train FOR a situation, not IN the situation.
What is “concept” training for dogs?
Concepts are the building blocks of your dog’s brain. We work with concept training to help your dog learn to choose to make good decisions and have good behavior, even when you’re not around to give the commands.
How long and how often do I train my dog?
Focus on the fun of games based training, not the duration!